Career Tips and Helpful Tools 


Do You Want to...

 Build a better corporate environment for your team?  Find your voice and develop your career story?  Leave a leadership legacy to be proud of?

Please enjoy these insights and approaches to better engage your team, showcase your strengths, and get on a career path that aligns with your passion.

How to Manage Yourself Through Uncertainty May 01, 2024

Ever get distracted from all the unknowns? 

I was recently developing a mini workshop for a manager who is worried about how to keep her team on track amid some challenging circumstances. The circumstances: they maybe going through a merger. They are understandably concerned about their...

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Put Yourself in the Scene - Writing Exercises for Career Decisions Aug 17, 2023

Many of you know that along with having a Leadership Coaching practice, I write Fiction. My latest novel, Keepers of the Pact, is now available in stores. An interviewer recently asked me how my fiction writing complements my ‘day job’ coaching professionals. I said that’s a...

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What's Your Billboard Speech? May 08, 2023

Conference Conversations are Quick.

Here’s my 3-step Formula to get prepared.

Ever been at a conference, really wanted to meet someone you respected in your field, and then by the time you got face to face with them, it was like you forgot how to string two sentences together? Or worse, you...

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What happens when there’s a plot twist in your career story? Jan 06, 2022

Early on in the pandemic, I was faced with my own career story cliffhanger.


Like many professionals in 2020, my traditional way of business development and networking had dramatically shifted.

As the world temporarily closed its borders, I pressed pause and did what I often do when...

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Are You Back-to-Back-to Back? Avoid the Hybrid Burnout Oct 14, 2021

I was in the middle of writing a blog six months ago predicting an upward trend in the demand for team building. I paused to do a bit of research to back up my prediction. And then, like the movie Jumanji or more recently Free Guy, where Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds finds himself trapped in a...

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Are You Overdoing Your Strengths? How to Dial it Back Oct 23, 2020

Lately, I’ve become a bit obsessed with SPLAT points. It’s part of a tracking system at a gym I joined where you strap on a heart monitor that displays your progress on a large screen as a fitness coach challenges you to stay at a base pace (green zone), a push (orange zone)...

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