Do you want:

  • Clarity about your next?

  • To feel seen, heard and valued at work?

  • To do more fulfilling work? 


What if you could steer the arc of your career by shaping the story of your experience, your values, and your future?

We all have a career story. I'll help you shape yours by aligning your own wants and desires to your companies' strategic direction - its throughline ... it just might be a fairytale ending.

Share your story, shape your career.

Do you believe that behind every career achievement there is a remarkable story?


What if you could steer the arc of your career by shaping the story of your experience, your values, and your future? 


Ready to Control the Arc of Your Career?

If you're feeling stuck in place, or caught between choices, your career satisfaction suffers.

But when you're in control and clear on where you’re going, you feel full of unlimited potential.

There are many ways to steer your career—from executive professional development courses to a full-on life coach.

But Karen Kelloway and the Career Story Project takes a different approach:

We help growing leaders, ambitious founders, and established executives make easier career choices, seize new opportunities, know where to focus their development efforts and what to measure, and build support from stakeholders, employees, investors, and the public.

All by understanding, clarifying and wielding the power of your unique career story to engage, motivate, and inspire. Think of it as Shaping your Career by Sharing your Story.

“I am a repeat client of Karen's, having engaged her to work with my leadership teams in my last two CEO roles. In both cases, I wanted to make a strong team even more cohesive by better understanding one another's strengths, how we show up in conflict, and the keys to healthy, collaborative relationships.

Karen is thoughtful, practical, respectful, organized and always eager for mutual benefit. My best recommendation is that I've engaged her twice - and will no doubt do so again.” 

Daniel Tisch, President & CEO, Ontario Chamber of Commerce

“When I owned the PR Hive, a boutique PR agency, Karen helped me to come up with an actionable plan to build on the strengths of my team as well as individual skill sets that allowed me to continue to grow my business in a way that best served each other, our clients and aligned with our vision. Shortly thereafter, we caught the attention of Crestview Strategy, an international public affairs firm and were acquired.”

Robyn McIsaac, Vice President, Crestview Strategy. 

"Karen provides an external perspective that cuts through the noise without the inherent bias from those closer to your field of business. If you’re having trouble focusing, if you’re new to the role and getting lots of input, Karen can help you create a plan to organize your thoughts and give direction that achieves your business outcomes.”

Kevin McCann, Managing Partner, Atlantic Canada, NATIONAL Public Relations

Meet Karen

My name is Karen Kelloway and I’m the founder of Career Story Project. For more than two decades I’ve been working with senior leaders and their teams in both the public and private sectors.

Through the years, I’ve learned that the more clear, concise, and compelling a career story is, the greater the chances of success. My clients achieve breakthrough results, high employee engagement scores...even standing ovations.

My style as a Career Story Advisor is empathetic yet direct. Like you, I enjoy experiencing the results! We start where it makes sense for you— which could mean creating a plan for advancement, an onboarding plan if you're newly hired, or facilitating a team development session to help you understand more quickly how to motivate and connect with your employees. 

If you want to align your team, your role, and yourself—so you’re all working toward a successful result—you need a compelling story. That starts with The Career Story Project. 

Karen Kelloway Executive Coach
Book your call with Karen

How We Work

As an emerging executive, ambitious founder, or established leader, working with Karen Kelloway and the Career Story Project starts by clarifying what's working - and what isn't - in your current role.

Then, we'll align your personal values with your career or corporate Throughline, so you're clear and focused on what you're working toward.

Next, we'll eliminate unhelpful distractions and create a plan to move beyond them.

Together, we'll craft your unique Billboard Speech, so you're prepared to share your story, and drive your vision forward, to any audience, any time.

Finally, you'll see the results of identifying, articulating, and expressing your captivating career story.

Ready to take the next step in your journey?

Book your call with Karen

For self-directed learners looking for real-time results, we have our NAIL IT!® program just for you.

Explore the course now

Here’s how the process works.

1 |  You book a career clarity call at a time that’s convenient for you.

2 |  During our call, we’ll determine how I will customize my programs to best meet your goals. 

3 | We create a Letter of Agreement with program details, commitments and timelines to guide our work together.

4 |  You get the career story ending that you want.


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